This story begins when a baby was born as a boy in a poor family. Even lack for food, when eating, mom always gave her rice portion to her boy. While she moved the rice to his bowl, his mother said:
“Eat child, Mom is not hungry” ----- MOM’S FIRST LIE
When the boy grew up, his mother tried to spare her time to go fishing in a pond near home, his mother hoped to catch a fish, so that she could give her boy nutritious food for his growth. After fishing, she cooked a fresh fish soup that is tasty. While the boy eating the soup, his mother sat beside him and eat the remaining fish meat that is still stick on the bone which was the rest of bone fish that the boy ate. He looked at his mom, his heart was touched, then use his chopstick and gave it to his mother. But his mother quickly reject it and said:
“Eat child, Mom doesn’t like to eat fish” ----- MOM’S SECOND LIES
Now the boy has entered junior high school, in order to finance his brother school fee, mom went to the cooperative to take some box of matches to stick. It gave some money to cover their needs of live. When winter came, he woke up from his bed, seeing his mother leaning on a small candle and continuing sticking the box matches. He said: “Go to sleep mom, it is already late, tomorrow morning you still have to work.”
His mother smiled and said:
“Go to bed child, Mom is not tired” ----- MOM’S THIRD LIES
While examination came, mom took leave to accompany her child testing.
Afternoon came, the sun is so bright, and his mother was still waiting on a blazing sun for couple of hours. When the bell rang, exam time was finish. Mom hurry came to me and poured a tea that already made on a cold bottle for me. The tea was so thick but cannot compare to the love that is thicker. Seeing mom was sweating heavily, the boy hurry gave his glass to his mother and asked her to drink. His mother said:
“Drink it child, Mom is not thirsty!” ----- MOM’S FOURTH LIES
After his father died because of illness, his mother has to be a father and a mother. She still worked as usual, she has to cover up her own live. Their lives became harder and harder. There is no day without suffering. Seeing their condition became worse, there was a kind-hearted uncle that lived near their house and helped the boy’s mother whether big problem or small problem. Their neighbor that lived next to the house saw their lives was so poor, often advice the boy’s mother to marry again. But the mother was so stubborn and didn’t take their advice, she said:
”I don’t need love” ----- MOM’S FIFTH LIES
When the boy and his brother all work, their mother already old and retired. But the mother didn’t want to, she was willing to go to market every morning to sell some vegetables to cover for their lives. The boy’s brother worked outside town and often sent some money to cover his mom’s needs, but she didn’t want to take it, She sent the money back. She said:
”Mom still has some money” ----- MOM’S SIXTH LIES
When the boy graduated from Bachelor Degree, he contiuned to take Master Degree and then achieved Master Degree in in a renowned university in the United States. Owing to a scholarship at a company. Finally, I worked in the company. The salary was quite high; he intended to take his mom to enjoy live in America. But mom was too kind-hearted, she didn’t want to burden her son, she then told her son:
“Mom is not accustomed to” ----- MOM’S SEVENTH LIES
After entering old age, her mother exposed to cavity cancer, has to be hospitalized, the boy who was far away across Atlantic Ocean immediately came home to visit his beloved mother. The boy saw her mother lying weak on the bed after operation. His mother looked old, she looked at her son with yearn. Even though her smile was bright but stiff because of the pain, it looked how the disease already struck his mom’s body until she looked weak and thin. He then looked at his mom with tears. His heart was ache, very hurt to see his mom with this condition. But mom still
“Don’t cry my child, Mom is not sick” ----- MOM’S EIGHT LIES
After saying the eight lies, his beloved mother closed her eyes for the last time.
From above story, we believed that fellowers will all be touched and wanted to say: ”Thanks Mom”
Try to reflect, how long we haven’t called our parents?
How long we haven’t spend our time talking with our parents?
In the middle of our tight schedule, we always have thousands of reason to leave our parents lonely. We forgot there are father and mother at home.
If we compare it with our boyfriend or girlfriend, we will care more with him/her. As the matter of fact, we always worry of his/her safety, worry that he/she already eaten or not, worry that he/she will be happy with us.
But, have we ever worried about our parents?
Worried that our parents already eaten or not?
Worried that our parents already happy or not?
Is it true?
If yes, try to reflect again...
Mean while we still have time to pay back our parents, do the best.
Never reveal ”REGRET” in the future.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
8 Lies of a Mother
Learn To Love Imperfect Person With Perfect Way
Establishing special relationship needs 2 hearts that love equally, while married needs commitment to respect and appreciate each other. Therefore we need to learn to love the imperfect person with perfect way, although it is difficult.
Learn To Love Imperfect Person with Perfect Way
When we find someone right to love,
When we are in the right place on the right time,
There is Chance.
When we meet someone that makes you interesting,
It is not Choice, it is Chance.
Meeting in some event is not Choice,
It is Chance.
If we decide to love someone,
Even with his/her shortcoming,
It is not Chance, it is Choice.
When we choose to live with someone no matter what happen,
It is Choice.
Even when we realize there is so many other people
Much more interesting, smarter, richer than your spouse
And you choose to love him/her,
It is Choice.
Feeling of Love, Sympathetic, Attractive,
Comes as Chance to us.
But eternal true love is Choice,
The Choice that we take.
Talking to our soul mate,
There is a quote from a movie that seems right:
“Destiny takes us together, but it depends on how we make it all happen”
Soul mate truly exists.
And it is possible that someone is created just for you.
But it is all depend on you to make the Choice whether you want to make it happen, or not…
We might unconsciously meet our soul mate,
But to love and stay together with our soul mate,
It is Choice that we should take.
We live in the world not to look for someone perfect to love
BUT to learn to love someone not perfect with perfect way.
10 Habits That Can Damage The Brain
10 Habits That Can Damage The Brain [edited by dr. Martin Leman, DTM&H]
1. No Morning Breakfast
Those who don’t have morning breakfast will have low sugar blood, which could affect supplying nutrition to brain become little.
2. Eat Too Many
Those who eat too many, while has high fat, could harden the brain blood vessel because so many fat pile on the wall of blood vessel.
3. Smoking
The substance on the smoke that is absorb will rapidly shrink the brain, can lead to Alzheimer's Disease.
4. Consume Too Many Sugar
Consuming too many sugar could disturb the absorptian of protein and nutrition, so there will be a nutrient imbalance with that disturb the development of the brain.
5. Air Pollution
Brain is the largest oxygen consumer on human body. Breating polluted air could slow down the supply of oxygen to the brain so could slow down the brain efficiency.
6. Not Enough Sleep
Brain need sleep as a relaxing tool and heal the capability. Lack of sleep will accelerate the damage of brain cells.
7. Covering The Head During Sleeping
The habit of covering head during sleeping could increase the carbon dioxide concentrate and reduce the oxygen concentrate that could affect damage to brain.
8. Using Mind When Sick
Working too hard and force to use mind when we are sick could decrease the effectivity of brain and could damage the brain.
9. Less Stimulationg Thought
Thinking is the fastest way to train our brain. Less stimulating to brain can wrinkle our brain.
10. Rarely Communicate
Communication is needed as a tool to pump our brain activity. Communicate intelectually could punp our brain efficiency. Rarely communicate will cause our brain intellectual capability less skilled.
Blood Type & Its Character (Japan)
In Japan, a person forecast is determined by the blood type rather than zodiac or horoscope. Why? It is said, the blood type is determined by specific proteints that build all the cells in our body and it also determine our pyscology.
Right or Wrong?
A: Organized, consistent, high cooperation spirit, but always concern (because so perfectionist) that sometimes irritate other people, potical tendecy: “destra”
B: Calm, easy going, free, and most enjoy life, political tendency: “sinistra”
O: Great soul, friendly, don’t want to lose, allergic to details, political tendency: “centro”
AB: Unique, ingenious, dual personality
The most overdue about time:
1. B (because of too relax)
2. O (because of poinciana)
3. AB (because of easy to change program)
4. A (because fail in dicipline)
The most difficult to tolerate others mistakes:
1. A (because of too perfectionist and high narcism)
2. B (because of easy going but also easy judging)
3. AB (because of different origin)
4. O (because of easy judging but also easy pardoning)
The most trustworthy:
1. A (because of consistent and obey law)
2. O (because of maintaining balance)
3. B (because of maintaining enjoying life)
4. AB (because of easy change frame of reference)
Based on survey, the most fancied blood type for a friend:
1. O (casual)
2. A (always on time)
3. AB (creative)
4. B (depend on mood)
Of the most, the most irritable blood type for a friend:
1. B (selfish, easy come easy go, ego)
2. AB (double standard)
3. A (too obey and scrupulous)
4. O (difficult to break down)
The easiest to get lost:
1. B
2. A
3. O
4. AB
The most achieving medals in Olympic sport:
1. O (expert in sport)
2. A (mathematical and exact)
3. B (not affected by surrounding pressure. Almost all judo, swimming and wrestling athlete is B type)
4. AB (allergic to each kind of sport)
The most likely to become director or leader:
1. O (because of leadership spirit and problem solver)
2. A (because of “minute” personality and careful)
3. B (because of sensitivity and easy to take decision)
4. AB (because of creativity and like to take risk)
Most Prime Minister in Japan: O type (leadership)
Most suit to become Moderator: A (have rich plan)
Most Tokyo University students: B
The most like to save money:
1. A (like to count bank interest)
2. O (like to see prospect)
3. AB (save money because has project)
4. B (will save money when have lots of money)
The most powerful memory:
1. O
2. AB
3. A
4. B
The most longevity:
1. O (not easy stressed out, has the most antibody)
2. A (proper regimentation)
3. B (easy to find stress compensation)
4. AB (mess up)
The most likely to become fat:
1. O (large appetite, eat fast)
2. B (eat slow, keep adding, and like delicious food)
3. A (only eat what’s on the plate, affected by diet program)
4. AB (eat depends on mood, susceptible anoressia)
The most likely bitten by mosquito:
1. O (sweet blood)
The most likely to get flu/fever/cough/cold:
1. A (weak against virus and infectious disease)
2. AB (weak against hygiene)
3. O (eat anything that is good or bad)
4. B (eat, sleep not accordingly)
What do they make on a party:
1. O (take animal protein, especially meat)
2. A (take balance. 4 healthy 5 perfect)
3. B (like to take food containe water like soup, meatball, etc)
4. AB (like to taste all food)
The most likely to get bald first:
1. O
2. B
3. A
4. AB
The most likely to sleep soundly and hard to wake up:
1. B (will always snore even there is a tsunami)
2. AB (if in mood, sleeping is everything)
3. A (sleep 8 hours a day, according to the law)
4. O (will sleep when exausted and need)
The most likely to sleep first:
1. B (easy to feel sleepy, can sleep even standing)
2. O (easy to feel sleepy when tired and nothing to do)
3. AB (depend on will)
4. A (depend on rule and orario)
Disease easy attack:
1. A (stress, insane)
2. B (weak agains flu, lungs)
3. O (indigestion and colic susceptible)
4. AB (cancer and hard attack, easy startled)
What to encourage staying healthy:
1. A (because of too perfectionist so take it easy sometimes, don’t too tense and serious)
2. B (because of hard to concentrate, have to be serious, meditation, play chess)
3. O (because of high concentration, need to talk relax, take a walk)
4. AB (because easy tired, need to find other activity that makes fun and relieve)
The most likely to have car accident:
1. A
2. B
3. O
4. AB
Sanitary Product Can Cause Uterus Neck Cancer
Check hygienist of your sanitary product that you use!!
Because according to WHO, Indonesia is No. 1 country with people suffer uterus neck cancer of the world, and 62% is because of wrong using sanitary product that is not qualified!!!
In hospital: 400 new uterus neck cancer patient each year.
In hospital patients died because of uterus neck cancer about 66%
Most of patients come at late stadium. Awareness level of early detection is still low.
How to check:
1. Tear of your sanitary product, take the core.
2. Take a glass of water. Try using transparent glass so you can see it more clearly.
3. Take out a part of the core of your sanitary product and put it on the water. Stir it with chopstick.
4. Look at the water changing (if it is hygiene and clean, the water should stay clean).
5. Look at the sanitary product, is it remain intact or destroyed like a pulp. If it is destroyed and the water is muddy, then you use not qualified product, and contains so many bleach.
6. From the not qualified product often cause the intimate women face many problems such:
a. Whitish disease
b. Itchy
c. Irritation
d. And other else.
Between Like, Care, and Love
When you LIKE someone, you want to have it for your own selfishness.
When you CARE someone, you are likely to make him/her happy and not for your own.
When you LOVE someone, you want to do anything to make him/her happy even though have to sacrifice your own soul.
When you LIKE someone and he/she is right beside you, you will ask, “Can I kiss you?”
When you CARE someone and he/she is right beside you, you will ask, “Can I hug you?”
When you LOVE someone and he/she is right beside you, you will hold his/her arm tightly.
LIKE is when he/she cries, you will say “It’s all right, don’t cry.”
CARE is when he/she cries and you will also cry for him/her.
LOVE is when he/she cries you will let him/her cry on your shoulder while saying, “Let’s solve this problem together.”
LIKE is when you see him/her, you will say, “He/She is gorgeous and fabulous.”
CARE is when you see him/her, you will see him/her from your heart not from your eyes.
LOVE is when you see him/her, you will see him/her and say, “For me he/she is the greatest gift that God ever give me.”
When someone you LIKE hurts you, then you will be angry and will not talk to him anymore.
When someone you CARE hurts you, you will cry for him/her.
When someone you LOVE hurts you, you will say, “It’s ok he/she just don’t know what he/she is doing.”
When you LIKE him/her, you will FORCE him/her to like you.
When you CARE for him/her, you will LET HIM/HER TO CHOOSE.
When you LOVE him/her, you will always WAIT with faithfully and sincerely.
LIKE is you want to accompany him/her when it is mutual.
CARE is you want to accompany him/her when he/she needs it.
LOVE is you want to accompany him/her on how your condition is.
LIKE is something that demanding.
CARE is something to give and take.
LOVE is something to give willingly.