Thursday, February 26, 2009

Misperception about Milk can Heal Osteoporosis

In general doctors and nutrition experts recommend their patients who suffer from osteoporosis to consume more milk and other dairy products because it contains high calcium. This sounds make sense but it will never work out.
People from North America and Europe consume 800mg – 1200mg calcium per day,
But still they suffer osteoporosis more than people from Asia and Africa who consume 300mg – 500mg calcium per day.

Main cause of osteoporosis is consuming to many acidic which derives from meat, sugar, and ingredients that contain chemicals. To neutralize this acidities, body takes calcium (alkaline) from bone. So this osteoporosis problem is not because of someone consume little calcium.

The problem is they lose calcium. Thus, consuming more calcium is not the answer.
Because You can lose more than You consume (such still eat meat, sugar, and ingredients that contain chemicals).

If this extra calcium comes from food that contains high protein such milk, cheese, ice cream, Those will aggravate the situation because these foods are acid forming.
These foods make the body lose more calcium.

The solution is to make body become alkaline by consuming more vegetables and avoid acid forming food such meat, sugar, and ingredients that contain chemicals.
It seems, doctors, nutrition experts, and milk companies are mistaken when they say that milk is the best source for calcium. Calcium can be found in seeds (especially sesame seeds) and seaweed (type of hijiki). These seeds contains 14 times more than calcium from milk. Besides, seeds also alkaline forming, these foods provide calcium without producing acid which can deprive calcium from bone.

Original article can be found on this link:

To find out what food contain alkaline and acid can be read in this link:

Please share this info to help people that you love and care to start stop drinking cow milk because it can severe people who suffer from osteoporosis. A cow never drink milk from its mom, and that cow never suffer from osteoporosis.

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