Thursday, March 12, 2009

Safe Tips to Use Plastic Container

NOT all plastic containers is harmful to health. But we still have to wary, plastic packaging for food (food grade) actually is relatively safe.
However, the use has to fit the rules.

Here are some tips to use plastic:
• Avoid using plastic packaging for hot food and drink. Avoid heating food inside plastic packaging into microwave. Although there are some plastics that resistant to heat, still happen to switching plastic monomer heat to the food.

• If forced to use plastic packaging for food and drink, try not to use it too long and quickly move the food to the saver container made from glass or stainless steel.
• For Moms who use plastic for baby milk bottle better make it cold on the glass or on a stainless container. After it is cold then move the milk to the bottle. For baby dot, try to use silicon because it doesn’t leave any carcinogenic substance such on a latex dot.
• .Use container made of leave, glass or stainless stell. If forced to use plastic, use the container that has code 4 and 5.
• Try not to wash plastic container with detergent. Feared, the detergent container heavy chemical substances that could react with plastic container. These substances could stay on the container and make the container not hygiene.

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